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Home > Monthly Attestation Resources > Sample Enrollment and Tuition Attestations (Months 1, 4, and 7)
Sample Enrollment and Tuition Attestations (Months 1, 4, and 7)
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Below you will find samples of the Enrollment and Tuition Attestation for FCCH providers, Center-Based providers, and School Age providers in both English and Spanish

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Subvenciones_de_Estabilización_y_Sostenibilidad_del_Cuidado_Infantil_de_Colorado_Atestación_1_-_School_Age.pdf Subvenciones_de_Estabilización_y_Sostenibilidad_del_Cuidado_Infantil_de_Colorado_Atestación_1_-_FCCH.pdf School_Age_Providers_Attestation_1.pdf FCCH_Providers_Attestation_1.pdf Center-Based_Providers_Attestation_1.pdf
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